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For a long time, there was no book that was specified to the Mollusc Family Naticidae. In my view badly needed came the publication from the Nishinomiya Shell Museum no. 7, presenting a revision on the Classification of Recent Naticidae in 2011.

It shows clearly that there is much to do within the family Naticidae, usually used to place the species that where hard to classified. This family containts (at least) 2 different families, the Naticidae and the Polinicidae. The two other sub-families can be part of the Polinicidae. The major difference is that the Naticidae only bears a calcium operculum.

Rearranging my studymaterials I decided to use a website to come to interacting with the visitors. I found that it is hardly impossible to find all publications there have been. It was a great releave that in this publication most pubications were mentioned.

With interacting, this site can grow to a place where all collectors can find the knowledge they need. I start the site With the family Naticidae, when finished this part, I will go on with the Polinicidae.

I will base the start of this site on the revision made by the Nishinomiya Shell Museum, 2011.

The systematics used makes it usable for every family of animals or vegetables.

We will start to build up this site with placing all the species with their valid names as declared in the bulletin of the Nishinomiya Shell Museum No. 7

Step 1 is to make a page for every species, with the correct name, together with the list of publications as named in the bulletin No. 7.

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